Monasterio Santa Catalina: best convent ever!

Monasterio Santa Catalina is a city within a city in Arequipa

I loved this place because it was so interesting and big and old and grand. We had a tour and I learnt that they used ovens that looked like pizza ovens to cook and it took six hours to filter 1L of water. If parents were rich they sent their second daughter at the age of 12 and she had to live there for the rest of her life. For four years each of the novices lived in a locked room by themselves and couldn’t speak to anyone. They were supposed to pray and sew and meditate all day. They got their meals through the window and were let out to do jobs twice a day. After four years, when they were 16 they became nuns. No-one was ever allowed to go home.

A novice’s room. Not allowed out to go to the toilet so had to use a chamber pot.

I would not like to be a nun. I would not like to pray all day like these nuns had to. Nowadays they don’t to have to pray all day. They can cook and do other jobs, but they still have to pray for 4-6 hours. I would also not like to poo in a chamber pot!

This place is huge with heaps of different streets named after Spanish cities
Where the washing was done in the old days. By the way Grandma – this is what Lantana looks like when you look after it properly.
A Mummy-sized doorway
But not a Daddy-sized one


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